✨The Cora Flowers Earrings✨

✨The Cora Flowers Earrings✨


Once upon a time in my enchanted garden, a brand new pair of flower earrings blossomed, each petal gilded with gold and sparkling hues of turquoise, ocean blue and royal purple, with rhinestones in every color of the rainbow…and only one pair of these flower earrings blossomed, for they were only fit for a flower fairy queen!✨🧚

These shimmering earrings are one-of-a-kind and I grew them entirely by hand with lots of flower fairy magic!

Please note that these magical earrings are clip-ons. The flowers measure 1.5 by 1.5 inches and are blossoming on silver clips with removable pads for extra comfort.

I’ll gift wrap your flowers and send them to you from my enchanted garden…I hope these magical blooms brighten up your day every time you wear them!✨🦋

✨💖 Camille

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Wearing these magical flowers to brighten up today!

A bouquet of the happiest, most colorful, vibrant flower earrings!

All the sparkling flowers are blooming in my enchanted garden…

The Cora Flowers Earrings are clip-ons and come with pads for extra comfort!